View into the changing landscape of IT Security – CIS v8
The new CIS controls v8 protects public and private organizations against cyber threats by assessing an organization’s IT security posture, comparing risk levels, and providing recommendations to ultimately address the identified gaps
Jump-starting your Security Strategy with Anna Mempel
Automation in the cyber-crime environment is on the rise. With Arco and Securnite solutions, vulnerabilities and attacks can be easily handled.
IT Security from a Sourcing Perspective is Vulnerability Avoidance
Security risks generated by lack of coordination and non-resourceful purchases highlight the need for the management tools for maximum optimization.
Legal and IT concerns of Data Transfers to non-EU/CH countries
Insufficient measures to adequately protect data prompted the EU Court of Justice to place focus on non-EU/CH countries’ service providers, technical solutions, and anonymization to protect sensitive data.
IT and Covid-19 – An initial assessment in 5 theses
Growing tolerance for insecure IT architectures and inflexible company pandemic-plans are the leading cause of companies rethinking their data protection and IT security.